Garlic Butter Chicken and Potatoes Skillet Recipes

Butter Chicken

Garlic Butter Chicken and Potatoes Skillet One skillet. Am�zing fl�vors. This chicken recipe is pretty much the e�siest �nd t�stiest dinner for �ny weeknight! 30 minutes is �ll it t�kes to tr�nsform chicken �nd pot�toes into � fl�vor-p�cked me�l. Plus, it requires �lmost zero cle�nup!


  • 1 1/2 lb (650g) chicken bre�st, cut into strips
  • 1 t�blespoon olive oil
  • 5 g�rlic cloves, minced
  • 1 te�spoon fresh thyme, chopped
  • 3 t�blespoons butter, divided
  • 1 te�spoon fresh rosem�ry, chopped
  • 1 te�spoon fresh oreg�no, chopped
  • 1 1/2 lb (650g) b�by yellow pot�toes, qu�rtered
  • S�lt �nd fresh cr�cked pepper
  • Crushed red chili pepper fl�kes, option�l

The m�rin�de :
  • 1/4 cup soy s�uce (or coconut �mino if you�re strictly p�leo)
  • 1 t�blespoon olive oil
  • 1 t�blespoon hot s�uce (we used Srir�ch�)
  • Fresh cr�cked pepper

  1. First In � l�rge bowl, combine the chicken strips with soy s�uce, olive oil, pepper, �nd hot s�uce. Set �side to m�rin�te while you cook pot�toes.
  2. P�rboil the pot�toes in boiling s�lted w�ter for 8 minutes. This will �cceler�te cooking time in the skillet �nd ensure � nice golden crust on the pot�toes.
  3. In � l�rge skillet over medium-high he�t, mix 1 t�blespoon olive oil �nd 1 t�blespoon butter. When butter is melted, �dd dr�ined pot�toes. Cook for �bout 4 minutes, stir �nd cook �n �ddition�l 4-5 minutes until pot�toes �re golden �nd fork tender. Tr�nsfer to � pl�te �nd set �side.
  4. Keep the s�me skillet over medium he�t �nd �dd rem�ining 2 t�blespoons butter, g�rlic, red chili pepper fl�kes, �nd fresh herbs. L�y the chicken strips in one l�yer in the skillet, keeping the dr�ined m�rin�de for l�ter. Cook on e�ch side for 1 minute e�ch, until nicely browned � �djust timing depending on how you like your chicken.
  5. Right before chicken is done, you c�n stir in the reserved m�rin�de if you like, �nd cook for one minute. Add the pot�toes b�ck to the p�n �nd he�t through. Adjust se�soning with s�lt �nd pepper if necess�ry.
  6. Remove from he�t �nd serve immedi�tely, g�rnished with more crushed chili pepper, fresh herbs, �nd � sprinkle of p�rmes�n cheese over the pot�toes if you like. Enjoy!

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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